Your Heart is an Electrical Organ

Words to Live By – Your heart is a muscle about the size of a fist. It consists of two pumps, side by side, which send your blood rushing through the one-way course of your blood vessels. Basically, the right pump delivers blood to your lungs, where the red blood cells pick up oxygen; the oxygen-rich blood then returns to the left side of your heart, which pumps it out through large arteries and tiny capillaries to the rest of your body.

Through electrical pulses, the heart beats 100,000 times a day, sending oxygen and nutrients to all the cells so they can make energy and do their job. At the same time, the red blood cells collect carbon dioxide and other waste products, releasing them on their return to your lungs. As the blood returns to the right side of your heart, the cycle begins again. (See Cholesterol Natural Cures).

To keep your heart pumping vigorously and your blood rich in oxygen . . .

1. Exercise (it strengthens the heart muscle)

2. Lose excess weight (it forces your heart to work extra-hard)

3. Quit smoking (it damages the entire cardiovascular system)

4. Supplement your diet with good quality products and superfoods every day