Today I want to share with you the importance of giving your digestive tract a good oxygen bath.
Before I do this, however, I want to give you a quick checklist of things to do on a regular basis to best care for your digestive health:
· Try to find time to eat your meal sitting down and chew each mouthful thoroughly.
· Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables and fiber-rich foods.
· Drink plenty of fluids, aim for about 8-10 glasses.
· Don’t eat too much late at night as this can cause bloating.
· Exercise often (perhaps a daily walk?) and learn to relax – stress plays havoc with the digestion.Start taking Oxy-Powder today. Oxy-Powder takes an all-natural approach to colon cleansing. Unlike harsh laxatives, it won’t leave you a prisoner of the bathroom. The revolutionary Oxy-Powder formula gradually releases its cleansing and regenerating powers over a 12 hour period. Never an urgent rush.
“Everyone needs to know that this product is the best you can buy. At first I was skeptical about spending money on anything that claimed to be so effective. I was wrong. I’d been eating junk food my whole life and it finally caught up with me. I had a miserable time on vacation because I was so constipated. After I used Oxy-Powder I wondered how anyone could think of using nasty enemas or laxatives when this product is available.” ~Kay, Massachusetts
Now, let’s close the gap between knowing and doing.