Wheatgrass Benefits for Skin and Hair and Beyond

It’s a humble product we’ve carried for years without fanfare – but it packs a healthy punch with its synergistic blend of organic herbs. Jurassic Green represents the backbone of a holistic lifestyle. Here’s why: As we commit to living and eating better, we learn that vitamins and minerals are essential for our body. While… Continue reading Wheatgrass Benefits for Skin and Hair and Beyond

How to Use Kaolin Clay for Teeth Whitening

Kaolin clay for teeth use? Yes! If you have a reliable, pure source. Clay has been used for both internal and external health use for millenniums. And even as a mild abrasive to clean stains on the teeth as well as help supply minerals to the mouth in general. Ideally, it would be most beneficial… Continue reading How to Use Kaolin Clay for Teeth Whitening

Wheat Grass Slows Aging Process

Is that even possible? Well, solid, super nutrition has been known to change DNA, so why not? Barley grass and wheat grass are basically the same – nutritional grasses which are often found along the road. These cereal grasses are the tender young green plants that later become grains. BUT, these grasses are vastly different… Continue reading Wheat Grass Slows Aging Process

Impacted Colon Remedies

Yes, what we eat and drink on a daily basis directly affects our digestive health. So, besides the obvious about eating slowly and chewing each morsel of food until it becomes liquefied, there’s the common advice to drink more water. Drinking more water each day can help all body systems but not to the extent… Continue reading Impacted Colon Remedies

EMF Pendant Protection

  Personal EMF Protection Products   The FIRST step to EMF Protection is Personal Protection.  Select a beautiful pendant of Blue Jasper, Purple Jasper, White and Black, Melon, Hematite, Opalite, and Green Aventurine.    Remember, the cause of so-called Attention Deficit is not genetic; it doesn’t run in the family. It’s all about diet. The constant assault… Continue reading EMF Pendant Protection

You Think You Don’t Need to Clean Your Colon?

Because of many factors, such as an improper diet and stress, the electrical distribution of fluid movement in the body can be greatly impaired. The result is that fluid transportation is not taking place and the colon cannot regenerate the tissue.  It becomes old, brittle and dehydrated.  In fact, “Nobody has a perfect colon”.  We… Continue reading You Think You Don’t Need to Clean Your Colon?

Natural Thyroid Medication – That Works

Feeling sluggish or like your metabolism needs a boost? Instead of running for a cup of coffee, you might want to look into natural thyroid support. Your thyroid enables your body to produce the important hormones that regulate your metabolism, energy, and overall well-being. There’s no better way to provide thyroid support than with iodine… Continue reading Natural Thyroid Medication – That Works

How do EMF Pendants Work?

Do emf blocking pendants work? Not to sound too hypey, but it really depends on which you trust to buy. Some on the market offer comprehensive EMF and ELF coverage. These pendants are like a preventive prophylactic. The idea is to not allow the degeneration to begin. If you have already acquired a degenerative status,… Continue reading How do EMF Pendants Work?

Is Sauna Safe For Diabetics?

That’s a question best asked of your health care provider, as individuals vary. That said, though, heat has been researched as a THERAPY for diabetes. Just the process of eating anything raises both your insulin level and body temperature. The increased amount of circulating insulin drives the storage of nutrients and is the primary signal… Continue reading Is Sauna Safe For Diabetics?