Wheat Grass Slows Aging Process

Is that even possible? Well, solid, super nutrition has been known to change DNA, so why not?

Wheat Grass Slows Aging Process

Barley grass and wheat grass are basically the same – nutritional grasses which are often found along the road. These cereal grasses are the tender young green plants that later become grains. BUT, these grasses are vastly different from their grains as they do not contain gluten and are regarded as superior to the nutrient profile of even other dark green leafy vegetables.

Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara conducted comprehensive research involving the study of more than 150 plants over a period of 13 years—and he discovered that barley grass was the best source of nutrients needed by the body for healing, vitality, restoration, growth, and well-being. Dr. Hagiwara also has reasons to believe that barley and wheat grasses have the potential to prevent cancer and aging and/or slow their development.

Recent research seems to support the theory that both cancer and aging result when genes become damaged, and fail to repair themselves. So, when Dr. Yoshihide Hagiwara introduced barley and wheat grass juice to damaged cells, the DNA repaired itself very quickly.

Allan L. Goldstein, Ph.D., head of the biochemistry department at George Washington University’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences discovered that specific components of barley grass appear to inhibit several types of cancer, including leukemia, brain tumors and prostate cancer.