Feeling sluggish or like your metabolism needs a boost? Instead of running
for a cup of coffee, you might want to look into natural thyroid support.
Your thyroid enables your body to produce the important hormones that
regulate your metabolism, energy, and overall well-being. There’s no better
way to provide thyroid support than with iodine — it’s a mineral the body
needs to make thyroid hormones
This certified organic nascent iodine supplement Detoxadine is
the way to go. Every drop of Detoxadine provides 650 micrograms of iodine
in a glycerin base for quick, gentle absorption. There’s no need to endure
the effects of a sluggish thyroid when Detoxadine is a convenient and
affordable solution! Each bottle even contains about a six-month supply.
How Detoxadine Helps Your Body:
Makes you feel energized
Supports the thyroid
Balances hormones and metabolism